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튜리파와 부엉이(Tulips and Owls), 53x33cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2009
Yunmo Ahn
In Korea, Yun Mo Ahn has been working with autistic children for the last six years, organizing exhibits in museums, galleries, schools and institutions. These shows have contributed to a growing collective body of an imaginative colorful artwork: The artist Yun Mo Ahn’s sensitivity and inventiveness has inspired children to participate in his creative projects and to share their dreams.

달밤의 휴식(A rest in the Moonlit Night), 72x60cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2009

보름달 정원(Fullmoon Garden), 91x72 cm, Acrylic on canvas, 2009

자작나무와 부엉이(Birchs and owls), 53x45cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2009
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