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눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서져 내린다(Snow is Falling, The Light is Broken Down), 244x141cm, Gold paper and color pencil with varnish, 2011

Yunhee Toh

Yunhee Toh was first artist who had exhibition in Beyeler Foundation, the founder of Art Basel in Switzerland, in 2007. Yunhee Toh tries to add the beauty hidden behind the phenomenon on the canvas by being closer to the essence of nature and life. She fills the canvas with a pencil tightly, repeat the closing process with banish and layering the background to create depth on her work. It takes several months or several years to make one piece, and it really needs patience and soul making the work. One of Yunhee Toh's master piece is made by stacking foil one by one, and this piece has dignified and classy feelings. In addition, works like 'Some Time It gets Dark Because of the Sunlight' and 'Snow  is falling. The Light is Broken Down' not only expands by things invisible to visualize contradictory literary works, but these also adds depth to the work by adding and correcting many times with many layers.

눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서져 내린다(Snow is Falling, The
눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서져 내린다(Snow is Falling, Ligh

눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서져 내린다(Snow is Falling, Light is Broken Down), 75x160cm, Gold paper and color pencil with varnish, 2011

눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서진다(Snow is Falling, The Lig

눈이 내린다, 빛이 부서진다(Snow is Falling, The Light is breaking), 75x160cm, Color pencil, Gold Leaf pigment, 2012

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