Cheol Wong Shim
In the backyard of the artist's house, there was an orange tree that looked more than 50 years old. The tree that had spent a long time with him had dried out and began to drop its barks. These barks are the main subject of artist Cheol-woong Sim's painting series. The Images of barks, which are plain but not simple seem to reveal our lives metaphorizing human body. Careful brushstrokes of oil paint are added to the white background, allowing viewers to look into the existence of the bark itself.
빈 포용 Empty Embrace,Oil on canvas, 89 x 61 cm, 2019
따스한 대화 Warm Conversation,Oil on canvas, 53x40.9cm, 2019
대화 Conversation,Oil on canvas, 53x40.9cm, 2019
쇠락한 대화 Withering Conversation,Oil on canvas, 53x40.9cm, 2019
다른 대화 Different Conversation,Oil on canvas, 53x40.9cm, 2019
남은 몸짓 Remaining Gesture, Oil on canvas, 90 x49cm, 2019
간절했던, Craved, Oil on canvas, 2019
위로부터 From Above, Oil on canvas, 2019
연 Unbroken, Oil on canvas, 2019
어느 아침, One Morning, Mixed media, 53x65cm, 2019
그날 아침, That Morning, Mixed media, 53x65cm, 2019
혈화, Hyul Wha, Mixed media, 53x65cm, 2019