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Jaeran Won
Jaeran Won was born in 1973 in Seoul, Korea. Since college, Jaeran Won used passive and helpless woman for the main theme in this work. The imperfections of the women has led the empty feeling in one's daily live, which shows the hollow where one cannot do anything without someone. Jaeran Won uses specific titles to show different feeling of woman, and most of the woman have a distorted body on his work. He lives and currently works in London.

Plz take my Flower, 60.96x50.8cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2007

Master Master I need you, 60.96x50.8cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2007

Masters Everything I do, do it for you, 76.2x50.8cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2007

Crying, 76.2x50.8cm, Acrylic on Canvas, 2007
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