I am telling you... Thank you
National Assembly Hall
September 3 - December 31, 2012
HelioArt plans for the exhibition entitled "I am telling you...Thank you" to introduce a national artists named Junyoung Kang and Soyoung Jeon in National Assembly Hall lobby in Yeouido.
Since this is the first exhibition in the National Assembly, we formed to plan and utilize the spatial characteristics. The National Assembly have a responsibility to listen to the voices of the people responsible for the legislative authority of the Republic of Korea. Junyoung Kang delivers the message called 'I am telling you' to his family and love ones. 'I am telling you' is a series, which gives a lovely story in the bubble like fairy Genie of the Lamp.
Soyoung Jeon's apples and books show the meaning of the food and knowledge necessary to person in living. Indispensible in real life, but it is easy to forget the importance of a healthy diet and plenty of knowledge through a delightful piece's words show that our treasure. Bright and fun colors and lovely text in Junyoung and Soyoung's works are expected to give and encourage a spirit parliament with cool and cold space of Congress and clear autumn sky.
헬리오컴퍼니는 국회문화조성사업의 일환으로, 여의도 국회의원회관 신관에서 “I am telling you… Thank you”라는 제목의 전시로 국내작가 강준영 작가와 전소영 작가를 소개하였습니다.
강준영 작가와 전소영 작가의 수준 높은 작품들로 사람들이 오가는 공간을 전시장으로 꾸미면서 신관의 분위기를 한껏 부드럽고 경쾌하게 변화시키고 높은 호응을 받았습니다.